ASHAWAY STRIKER FORCE Badminton Racket with BAG and Unstrung

Color 1000 Matte 2000 Matte 3000 Shiny 4000 Matte

ASHAWAY Striker Force Badminton Racket

Gear up for a great game of badminton! This Badminton Racquet has the ideal racquet size, which make it the top choice for advanced level, professional players. The ultra-lightweight racquet helps to enhance your performance. It stands for the importance of a regular fitness regime essential to lead a fit and healthy life. This racquet features high quality graphite for improved control & making more powerfull racquet.

This Badminton Racket has the ideal racket size, which make it the top choice for advanced level, professional players. The ultra-lightweight racket helps to enhance your performance. This racket features high quality graphite for improved control & making more powerful racket.

*Call  to verify availability. Prices may differ outside Metro Manila. All published prices are subject to change without prior notice.